В настоящей работе с применением спектрофотометрического метода исследованы солнцезащитные свойства водных экстрактов белой мари Chenopodium album L. произрастающей на территории Западно-Казахстанской области.
In present work the sun protection properties and photostability of aqueous extracts of white goosefoot (Chenopódium álbum L.) which grows in the ecological zone of the West Kazakhstan region were investigated. Natural phytocomponents complex that have been extracted from the whole plant as well as from different parts of it was found to have great sun protection capacity at the wavelength range of 290-320 nm. Freshly prepared whole plant extracts showed the best sun protection efficiency (SPF 22.08 ± 4.52) at 1.0 mg/ml, but stems extracts were found to be the most photostable. It was also shown that the studied extracts retain their ability to absorb UV radiation by 10-15% better when stored in the dark.