Bulletin WKU

  • Дильназ Алшекенова ЗКУ имени М. Утемисова
Keywords: species; arthropods; crustaceans; tracheata; insects.


Annotation. This article discusses active methods of teaching biological disciplines at the university, forms of lectures (introductory lecture, two lectures, visual lecture, problem lecture, review lecture, etc.). In the learning process, the types of forms of digital technology and ways of its application are shown. For students of groups XB – 21/1, XB – 41, XB – 43, BG – 41 in practical and laboratory classes in the disciplines "Zoology of invertebrates", "Evolutionary theory" visual methods, technical means of teaching biology (using video and audio materials), the use of interactive whiteboards in teaching, distance learning, the use of on-lineIt is shown that didactic games, role-playing games, forms of active learning (modular learning, the use of a multimedia system), etc. are used. "Wordwall", "Learningapps.org ", "Joyteka", "Randomus", "Padlet" used digital platforms.


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