The procedure for determining the originality, reviewing and publication of articles

  1. All articles submitted for publication in the journal are subject to mandatory passage of the procedure for determining originality and reviewing.
  2. The editorial board of the journal determines the compliance of the article with the technical design and sends it for checking for plagiarism and determining originality (originality must be at least 80%).
  3. In cases where the level of originality is below 80%, the article is returned to the author (s) by e-mail with the results of the plagiarism check.
  4. After determining the originality, the editorial staff of the journal sends by e-mail the article for reviewing to at least 2 specialists with the academic degree of Doctor or Candidate of Science / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
  5. The period for reviewing in each individual case is determined by the editorial board of the journal, taking into account the creation of conditions for maximum operational publication of the article. The maximum review period is 2 months.
  6. The review is carried out confidentially. The author (s) of the reviewed article is given the opportunity to read the text of the review. Violation of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials presented in the article are unreliable or falsified.
  7. If the review contains recommendations for the use and revision of the article, the editorial staff of the journal sends the review text to the author (s) by e-mail with a proposal to take into account the remark when preparing a new version of the article or to reasonably refute them. The article revised (revised) by the author (s) is re-sent for peer review and considered within a month.
  8. An article not recommended for publication by 2 reviewers is returned to the author (s). The text of a negative review or a reasoned refusal is sent to the author (s) by e-mail. The author (s) are given one opportunity to resubmit the rejected article for consideration, subject to its revision (correction), taking into account the comments of the reviewers. In case of repeated negative review, the article is not accepted for consideration.
  9. The presence of positive reviews is not a sufficient reason for the publication of an article. The final decision on the expediency of publication is made by the editorial board of the journal.
  10. After the editorial board of the journal makes a decision on the admission of the article to publication, the editorial board of the journal informs the author (s) by e-mail, informs about the need to pay the cost of publication to the settlement account of the WKU and indicate the publication time.