This article discusses the topic of basic concepts of ethnocultures as a way to achieve successful intercultural communication. The theoretical basis of the research was the work of linguists V.I. Karasik, V.V. Kolesov, V.V. Krasnykh, A.P. Babushkin, S.G. Vorkachev and others. It is known that cultural beliefs are verbalized in language and therefore can be considered as a reflection of the basic values and worldview of the people. This study analyzes the concept of «put' – zhol – path», which, according to the authors, is one of the basic concepts in Russian, Kazakh and English linguistic cultures. The article analyzes phraseological units, phrases, and paroemias to identify the semantic field of the concept, and also provides examples of cultural customs in the desired cultures. The analysis of the data revealed universal features and national and cultural characteristics of Russians, Kazakhs and the British. The results of the study allow us to conclude about some universal and specific features: unlike the Russian and Kazakh languages, where the semantic field is quite extensive, the concept of «path» has fewer connotations in English. Also, in Russian and Kazakh cultures, special customs of wires are especially observed and there are various parting words. Therefore, it can be assumed that in Russian and Kazakh linguistic cultures the concept of «path» has a more sacred meaning than in English, where this concept is usually used in the literal sense. It follows from this that the concept of «path» is basic in Russian and Kazakh linguistic cultures, whereas in English it is on the periphery.