Внелингвистические факторы христианской и мусульманской молитвы: сравнительный аспект.
Внелингвистические факторы христианской и мусульманской молитвы: сравнительный аспект.
Annotation. The presented work provides a comparative analysis of prayers of Christian and Muslim traditions; the influence of extra-linguistic aspects on religious discourse is highlighted. The main goal is to identify general and specific features of these factors and determine their impact on intercultural communication. Analysis of the structure of prayers is aimed at identifying their features, determined by the intentions characteristic of religious discourse, expressed through unique linguistic expressions. This approach will provide greater insight into how language shapes and communicates religious concepts and whot differences in prayer texts can influence perceptions and interactions between different cultural groups.
Key words: religious discourse, prayer, communicative features, features, similarities, culture, communication, approach, genre.