Бейінді мектептерге "Химиялық реакциялардың жүру заңдылықтары" атты элективті курс жасау

  • Zhanbota Umbet Университет КазНУ


Elective courses are the main form of education based on determining the professional and personal training of students. Therefore, the choice of the content of elective courses on the basis of increasing the competence of students is an urgent issue. In this regard, the topic " Basic laws of the course of chemical reactions " was chosen as an elective subject in special classes. When creating the content of the elective subject " Basic laws  of chemical reactions ", a survey was conducted for the first time to determine the knowledge of students. The results of the survey were discussed, and a test in the field of kinetics and thermodynamics of chemistry was prepared to determine the knowledge of students. Based on the results of testing students, an elective subject program was created.
