Requirements for the design of articles

Requirements for the design of articles

To publish an article, each author must provide in the form of independent documents:

  1. Materials of the article - the text, including the surnames and initials of the author (s), the title of the article, annotation and keywords in the state, Russian and English languages, literature in the languages of publication, English and transliteration, figures and tables with titles, is drawn up in one file in RTF format;
  2. Information about authors, which include the following elements:

- full name ;

- academic title, academic degree;

- position or profession;

- place of work (name of institution or organization, settlement);

- name of the country (for foreign authors);

- email address (e-mail).

The author's name is given in the nominative case. In cases where the use of a patronymic is not accepted, one initial or name is given. Information about the academic title, academic degree, position, profession, place of work, name of the country is indicated in full. Information about the authors is given in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Materials submitted for publication must meet the following requirements:

  1. Contain the results of original scientific research on topical issues in the pedagogy, philology, history, geography, biology and ecology, previously unpublished and not intended for publication in other publications.
  2. The volume of the article is 6-12 pages (scientific reviews, short scientific reports - 4-8 pages), font Times New Roman – 12, margins - top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1,5 cm, paragraph – 1,25, line spacing – 1.
  3. The article materials should have the following structure:

- UDC - in the upper left corner;

- IRSTI – on the next line after the UDC in the upper left corner;

- DOI – on the next line after IRSTI in the upper left corner (assigned and filled in by the editorial board of the journal);

- Surname and initials of the author (s) (if the article is written in Kazakh or Russian); surname and first name (written in full) (if the article is written in English) - in the center, one line after the DOI, in bold;

- The name of the organization (place of work or study), city, country - in the center, one line after the surname and initials of the author (s) in bold type;

- E-mail of the author (s) - in the center, one line after the name of the organization (place of work or study);

- The title of the article - in the center, one line after the email of the author (s) in capital letters, in bold;

- Annotation (the word is highlighted in bold) - one line after the title of the article (on a new line, justified alignment);

- Keywords (the phrase is highlighted in bold) - on a new line after the annotation (justified alignment);

- Structured main text (introduction; materials and research methods; research results; conclusion; thanks) - one line after the keywords (center alignment of the section title with italic font, then on a new line the text of the section in regular font and width alignment);

- References  (the word is written in capital letters and in bold). In this section, the sources used are written in the language of publication - one line after the main text (center alignment, then a list of sources on a new line (paragraph), width alignment);

- References (the word is written in capital letters and in bold). In this section, the sources used are given using transliteration and in square brackets (italics) the translation into English - one line after the literature (center alignment, then the list of sources on a new line (paragraph), width alignment);

- The surname and initials of the author (s) in Russian (if the article is written in Kazakh) - in the center, through the line after References, in bold;

- The title of the article in Russian (if the article is written in the state language) - centered on a new line after the surname and initials of the author (s) in capital letters, highlighted in bold;

- Abstract (the word is in bold) in Russian (if the article is written in Kazakh) - in width from a new line after the title of the article;

- Key words (the phrase is in bold) in Russian (if the article is written in Kazakh) - in width from a new line after the annotation;

- The surname and first name (written in full) of the author (s) in English (if the article is written in Kazakh) - in the center, one line after the keywords in Russian, in bold;

- The title of the article in English (if the article is written in Kazakh) - centered on a new line after the surname and initials of the author (s) in capital letters, highlighted in bold;

- Abstract (the word is in bold) in English (if the article is written in Kazakh) - in width from a new line after the title of the article;

- Keywords (the phrase is in bold) in English (if the article is written in Kazakh) - in width from a new line after the annotation.

If the article is written in Russian at the end (after the section "References") the surname and initials of the author (s), the title of the article, abstract and keywords in Kazakh are written, then the surname and first name (in full) of the author (s) are written through the line , article title, abstract and keywords in English.

If the article is written in English at the end (after the section " References ") the surname and name (in full) of the author (s), the title of the article, abstract and keywords in Kazakh are written, then through the line the surname and initials of the author (s) , article title, abstract and keywords in Russian.

Article title. The full title of the article should not exceed 15 words.

Abstract should be a stand-alone text. The abstract should be devoted to the article - the research conducted, and not the subject of the research as a whole. It is a short but informative summary of the article. The annotation does not allow the use of formulas, abbreviations, references to positions in the bibliography. The abstract is written in one paragraph of 100-150 words. In some cases (for empirical research), structured annotations with subheadings are welcomed: general introductory information, purpose, methods, results, practical significance. The structured abstract should not exceed 250 words.

Keywords. The article must be accompanied by 10-15 keywords or expressions. A semicolon is used as a separator (;).

Structured body text:

- introduction is a required section for any article. In this part of the article, the subject of the study is revealed, the problem / question of the study is posed or the purpose of the study is formulated, the hypothesis of the study (if any) is substantiated. It is necessary to explain the necessity and significance of this research (solving the indicated research problem). Within the framework of the article, it is possible to work with only one goal / hypothesis / research problem. You should not separately highlight the object, subject and provide a list of research tasks. Typically, the introduction takes 1-3 pages;

- Research materials and methods. In this section, the materials and research methods used are described in as much detail as possible. A clear and detailed description of the methods and materials used, characteristics of the sample, etc. makes it possible to assess the reliability of the results.

- Research results. This section should provide objective data obtained during the study based on the described methodology. The results of the author's research should be presented as fully as possible.

- Conclusion. This section implies the formulation of conclusions based on the analysis of the results obtained. The conclusion is written in full text, in no case as a list.

- Acknowledgments. Here should list grants or other types of financial support (and, if necessary, their sources) research. Then you should thank the specialists or institutions that helped in the organization and conduct of the study. One should not thank the persons who took part in the consideration and acceptance of the manuscripts, i.e. reviewers, editors, as well as members of the editorial board of the journal.

Bibliography. The literature used is given in the order of mentioning in the text of the article, and is formatted in square brackets, for example: [1]. The first reference in the text to literature should have a number [1], the second - [2], etc. in order. When referring to a result from a book, its number from the list of references and (separated by commas) the number of the page on which this result is published is indicated, for example: [7, p. 157]. When referring to results from several sources, numbers from the list of references are written separated by a semicolon, for example: [7, p. 157; eight]. The literature used must be up-to-date, i.e. published over the past 5-7 years (except for fundamental works and materials). Used literature must contain at least 10 positions. Current and foreign literature must occupy at least 10% of the total number of positions in the list. All positions of the list should be referenced in the text of the article and vice versa - all referenced literature should be listed in the list of references. It is recommended to use no more than 25-30 sourcesExamples of literature formatting are given in Appendix 1.

Transliteration Russian text in Latin for the "References" section can be done free of charge using the program on the website

Decoration of tables, figures, formulas. In the article in parentheses (1) only those formulas are numbered to which there are references in the text. In tables, figures, formulas, there should be no discrepancies in the designation of symbols, signs. Drawings must be clear and clean. Figures and tables in the text should contain references, for example: "... .. in table 1" or (table 1); “…. in Figure 1 ”or (Figure 1). Graphs, drawings and photographs are inserted into the text after the first mention of them in a form convenient for the author. Figure captions are given: under the illustrations in the center after the word Picture with a serial number, for example: Figure 1 - Name of the picture; above the table in the center after the word Table with a sequential number, for example: Table 1 - Table name. The only figure, the table in the text is not numbered.

Use of abbreviations and acronyms. In the main text of the article, the use of abbreviations and acronyms is allowed. All abbreviations and abbreviations, with the exception of those known to be well-known, must be deciphered when first used in the text. After decoding, the abbreviation or abbreviation is written in parentheses, for example: "... in the West Kazakhstan region (WKO)." The use of abbreviations and abbreviations in annotations and keywords is not allowed. A sample of the paper materials design is presented in Appendix 2.

- It is not allowed to use automated programs of the Internet resource for translating article materials into Kazakh, Russian and English..

- Before sending an article to the journal, it is necessary to carefully check the general spelling of the materials, the correct spelling of the relevant terms and the design of the text of the work and links.

- In cases where the article does not meet at least one of the requirements provided for in these requirements, the editorial board has the right to reject it.

Application - 1

Application - 2